How to technically analysis your SEO strategy

When it comes to topics like website traffic or money making from blogging, we need to make the do’s and don’ts into multiple parts so that we can easily take action on those.

So, I’d like to cut your question into two parts. Here is how:

Take a look at your blog (Site Audit)
How to get traffic?
1. What is site Audit?

You didn’t mentioned since how long you are blogging or other details; So, I’m gonna assume it in my way.

If you’re a blogger since at least a year or more and you’re not seeing any steady results in traffic or revenue, then it’s the time for you to wake up.

Have you looked at your content?

We got literally bored hearing this sentence “Content is king”. Are you too?

May be yes or no!

However, this is evergreen and this is not gonna change. Yes, Content is still the king. So, don’t underestimate it.

What you can do about the content?

#1. How many articles do you have on your blog?

Answer - It really doesn’t matter how many articles does you blog have. Quality of the each article that helps you to rank. So, focus on creating quality and interesting content. Most importantly, you will have to update the content on regular basis so that search engines can

#2. What is the word density in your each article?

Well, if you see the articles that are on the first pages of the Google, then you might understand that most of those articles are having at least 1500+words.

You can even write 10,000 words or more than that. But if the content and quality is not up to the market, then it’s not going to rank on the Internet.

Word count is important when it comes along with the quality.

However, according to blogging experts  the good word density should be at least 1000-1500+.

#3. Are you stuffing the keywords in each article?

If you think that stuffing more keywords into your article is gonna rank you in the first then you need to wake up buddy.

It’s not gonna work any more. Using irrelevant keywords and stuffing them is a black hat method. It is considered to be manipulate SERPs and your site can be penalized for that in very short time.

#4. What is your keyword strategy for each article?

So, how you select the keywords for the topic you have chooses to write?

Just the keywords that comes into your mind? If yes, then it’s not recommended.

So, what’s the recommended practice?

You should know all the keywords related to your topic
Using FREE LSI graph tool helps you with this
As I said, do not stuff keywords everywhere. You can add unlimited keywords. But those should not be repetitive and must looks natural to the sentence flow in your article.
Finally, If you’re a beginner or even a pro then you must understand keyword strategy in a right way for your blogging success.

#5. Do you Interlink and out-link in each article?

It’s definitely true that high quality links (internal and outbound) can make your article more authoritative and helps your readers in every way.

a) Internal linking leads the user to spend more time on your blog and decreasing bounce rate.

Instead of having to search through your blog to find the information your user need, it should be already in your content, right on the spot which is really helpful for the readers to understand the subject completely.

b) External linking can brings you loads of network referrals and thus expands your reach. Instead of having users greedily on your site, you provide them with the information that they might want to know. This makes you and your blog authoritative and this can only brings you the benefits but not any hurt.

But make sure you link to the site or resource which is really authoritative and worth linking to it.

#6. What is your plagiarism score?

Well, most of the bloggers might not get accurate sentences or topics to write on. In such case, searching the Internet for the information is a good thing. But, As a blogger you must make sure that:

You don’t copy the sentences as it is
You don’t copy the images or infographics from other sites, unless you give credits to the owners
Do not use the as it is same titles or meta descriptions which have been used already on the Internet. Instead, come with creative titles and sub headings and be more experimental.
Plagiarism surely lowers your site ranking and authority. So, don’t neglect it.

Get your blog rectified with all these points and think about getting traffic. If you do all the above in a right way, believe me your half of the work would complete.

Now, comes to the second part: How to get traffic?

Literally there are millions of researches and articles on the Internet related to increasing website or blog traffic.

All they worth it! Read them all, mostly!

Give ’em a try.

Getting tons of traffic is not a one day task or two days. It needs patience, passion and learning attitude. If you are having these three qualities, nothing is gonna stop you from achieving blogging success.

If you like this read, I’ll be happy. If not, give me some suggestions; I’m open to ‘em.

How to technically analysis your SEO strategy How to technically analysis your SEO strategy Reviewed by Ruchi on August 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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